OpenSavvy has been accepted for publishing to Mave...
# decouple
OpenSavvy has been accepted for publishing to MavenCentral 🙂
🎉 3
Good luck for publishing... I once set up a job that publishes to maven central and it wasn’t easy
…and it's even worse for multiplatform libs because we don't have the same structure as normal JVM libs 😐
The Kotlin multiplatform plugin handles a lot of the complexities. There's a sample floating around somewhere, but it's kind of hard to find.
Please do share it if you find it again. Otherwise I'll just ask the Arrow team, they published explanations before
You'll also need the signing plugin and I think you need dokka to create the javadocs to go with the artifact.
I did publish a JVM-only lib years ago so I know the basic steps, but I need to find out to actually make it work now. I'm sure there are a lot of examples around, I'm not worried
Thanks for your help 🙂
Here's an example of one of my libraries (all K/N, so it doesn't have the extra 2 lines for android. I have a properties file locally that tells it where my signing file is, as well as my sonatype username/password. If you're using agp 8, I think they changed how to set up the Android publication. Make sure to publish to maven local first and check that everything looks right.
Here's some other helpful official docs: