:wave: I have learned how to write an SPA with Rea...
# javascript
👋 I have learned how to write an SPA with React in kotlin. I would like to know if it is possible, to use Kotlin/JS for other use cases, for example using NextJS or Remix with kotlin/JS? I simply don’t like JavaScript (TypeScript is slightly better) and would love to write these kinds of applications in kotlin, too. thank you color
NextJS, because of the way their router works, it's difficult to do from kotlin. They like separate files. You could have a single dynamic router, and then just create everything you want with Kotlin. That would work. It's not an approach I'd recommend though for a normal website.
Might be possible now that eap builds support es modules and per-file transpiration
@Big Chungus wait what? Can you talk more about this per file transpiration?
Per-file transpilation requires 1.9.20-Beta ES6 requires 1.9.0-Beta
Looks like es6 modules are in 1.8.20 as experimental feature afterall.
oh, I see