Has anyone here worked with adding compose multipl...
# compose
Has anyone here worked with adding compose multiplatform to an existing kotlin multiplatform app? I'm starting with the People in Space template and trying to add common compose code. When I try to add in elements of the project structure here: https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-multiplatform-template/tree/main gradle gets mad at me. Curious if this is even possible.
I’ve done it recently
it is possible but I don’t know what problems are you facing
@Malachi Holden did you restart your mac machine after the environment setup? 🍎
Yes, it's definitely possible to copy paste over stuff
@Konstantin Tskhovrebov 1. I am using a Dell, 2. I did not restart after setup. I'm not working on the iOS side so I didn't think I needed a Mac I can certainly try restarting tho
@Marko Novakovic My naive attempt was to create a composeMain directory inside the common module. Then I tried to add a
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val composeMain by getting { ... }
block to the common build.gradle.kts, Inside I pasted the contents of the
block from the compose-multiplatform-template repo. However gradle is not recognizing the
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