Hi, I created and added own android library to mai...
# compose
Hi, I created and added own android library to main project like:
Copy code
That library has only one file with simple interface
Copy code
interface Scene {
    fun presentation()
When Main project used that interface like
Copy code
object SampleScene: Scene {
    override fun presentation() {
        Text(text = "sample text")
also sample usage
Copy code
class AppCoordinator {
    fun start() {
        val navigationController = rememberNavController()
        Scaffold() { innerPadding ->
                navController = navigationController,
                startDestination = "routeId",
                modifier = Modifier.padding(innerPadding)
            ) {
                composable(route = "routeId") {
                    val scene: Scene = SampleScene
                    val result = scene.presentation()
Text not displaying and app force closing. But when I used similar interface, not from library - but created in main project - it is ok and information displaying correctly. Stack track not show errors. If debug step by step before closing - I have stack trace: (screenshot) Please, any ideas?