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# compose
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Apparently, for the compiler to infer the right stability, you must have the compose compiler applied on that module, there’s no way around it, not even properly annotating those models with @Immutable or @Stable if you went ahead and did that. Read here https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/CJLTWPH7S/p1687872613238189?thread_ts=1687450253.790669&cid=CJLTWPH7S for some information. So either you do that, or you need yet another set of models which live only inside the module which does have the compose compiler applied, and you need to do one more mapping from the models you receive from that pure module as you say.
Thank you for your answer. Yes, I understand that the composite compiler does not know the stability. What I'm curious about is if it's efficient to wrap and use it in a compose module, or if it's efficient to implement class and use it in each module. Will this work depending on the business?
I found this project. If you configure the package equally and create an annotation, it seems that the annotation can be recognized in the pure module
Turns out this had changed at some point in the past already. Read this for reference https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/CJLTWPH7S/p1689242357010419?thread_ts=1687450253.790669&cid=CJLTWPH7S So you don't need that library, just depend on compose runtime and use the annotations directly.
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