Kotlin generates a `.kotlin_module` file for each ...
# gradle
Kotlin generates a
file for each compiled module. The name of the file is the name of the module, but this can cause some issues when you have multiple modules with the same name (but different paths). Would it be worth filing a feature request to use the path instead of the module name?
👀 1
The problem extends well beyond this file; many parts of Gradle have issues when there are modules with the same name, in different paths. The best solution is to avoid this: • name modules uniquely, where possible; • adjust the group or project name to include the pathing, in some manner (this may not address all issues, but works fine in several large projects I have)
Shouldn't different modules generate different .jar/.aar and the compiler be able to know/link the
info to only those symbols that are in the jar?
I can see how that's an issue for fat jars but in the "regular" case, it could work?
I’ve never run into a problem with
with overlapping module names, rather other challenges such as confusion when pulling project dependencies etc.
The issue is that these files get packaged into a single APK on Android so they'll overwrite each other
But that's executable form, you're not supposed to compile against an APK, right?
is used for something else?
Supposedly it is used for some things as it's recommended to exclude them from the APK
The same issue happens with an AAR though
I think setting this file name yourself using
is the best bet here
don’t know Android / APK that well but often build tasks that assemble multiple components (e.g. fat jars) there are options to customize merging, instead of blindly overwriting.
Unfortunately, the
are special cased in the Android Gradle Plugin so the normal packaging options doesn't apply to them
It seems like the recommendation is to exclude these from the APK, would that not address the issue?
I'm not sure using packaging options work here. But also, we do want them since we do use kotlin-reflect
ah, reflection
Perhaps something like this then:
Since the actual names of the
files do not affect anything at the moment, you can try to rename one of the files during build so that the names are different (the new name should still end with
). I’m not sure what is the best way to do this in your particular case, though. You might want to exclude the
files using
and add a custom task that extracts the files and puts them as resources, renaming one of them, so that both are included.
Why is it it's always reflection 😄
It’s always reflection 😉 well, or the firewall 😡
You don't need to rename them, you can set the name directly using
I'm guessing something in the generated code also references that file name. Otherwise kotlin-reflect would have to list all kotlin_module files
Which to be fair it might
from that comment it indicates the name is not currently used.
It should all line-up if you use
I ended up adding this to our convention plugin:
Copy code
tasks.withType<KotlinCompile>().configureEach {
    compilerOptions {
        moduleName.set(path.removePrefix(":").replace(":", "_"))
fwiw have this snippet to make modules unique when it comes to GAV coordinates (in a convention plugin for each module):
_group_ = "<prefix>" + _project_._path_._split_(":")._dropLast_(1)._joinToString_(".")