:wave: Here is <older thing I wrote> when I didn't...
# feed
👋 Here is older thing I wrote when I didn't know that #feed existed 😅 I was featured on Kotlin weekly but I might as well post it here. It's about me trying out Swift UI as an Android dev and finding how different it really is.
swift 8
jetpack compose 5
Fully agree here. In addition what you wrote I also have seldom random crashes and performance issues on scrolling that I can’t really investigate because XCode Instruments is not a good… instrument. 😛 I spent half a year developing a SwiftUI version of Ashampoo Photos, which by now only lacks albums, tagging and the search in comparison. I stopped working on it at the time Compose for iOS was announced. My motivation finishing the SwiftUI version of the app is zero. 😅 I assume that any pain getting it to run with Compose for iOS will be lesser than figuring out how the hell I can solve SwiftUI performance issues.
🙂 1
I haven't encountered many crashes. Sometimes it almost feels like that it rather works badly instead of crashing which I find really frustrating (similar point as with the bad API). I'd rather see the app crash and immediately know what is wrong then to chase a bug for a day only to notice that I nested some components in wrong order. And I am in a similar boat in that I am doing and iOS and Android versions of the same app but I don't think I will use Compose Multiplatform. I find that using it and criticising things like Flutter and React Native (which I do 😄 ) to be really hypocritical. I'd rather make the extra effort in bringing the native feel to the app. But saying that, I've been thinking about using the Compose Multiplatform on some smaller non-interactive elements where the user would not notice. But I haven't tried that yet so I don't know how well that would work.
I also have a JVM target for Windows desktop, so Compose Multiplatform is the best option for me.
Yeah, that's a fair point. I am only targeting Android, iOS and Web. (I am also going with the "native" approach on web with #kobweb)
Interesting, didn’t know kobweb
But that does not mean that I am not using Compose on iOS 😄 I am using Compose with all of the targets with Molecule. So I share the presentation logic between all of the platforms. Yeah, Kobweb is great because it is ComposeUI-like but still produces normal HTML instead of drawing on Canvas.
Thanks to the ever growing ecosystem we now have a lot of options. ❤️
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