Interested in collaborating with me on my revoluti...
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Interested in collaborating with me on my revolutionary Android pixel art editor? Or have you ever wanted to work on a full scale pixel art editor? If so, this is your moment - you may never get this opportunity again in your lifetime. I have an Android pixel art editor has around 18 stars on GitHub: I'm trying to find passionate and willing Android developers that are interested in collaborating with me on the project. I need you to have good experience with: - Kotlin - Basic Android developer experience - your GitHub portfolio should be OK but it doesn't have to be perfect - Bitmaps/Canvas - A good understanding of how pixel art editors work - Bresenham's Line Algorithm (needed to understand the codebase) - Flood Fill Algorithm, the app utilizes a iterative queue-based flood fill algorithm (needed to understand the codebase) - Git and GitHub, pull requests, branches - Good experience with logging - Room You must have an understanding of the codebase. You must be a native English speaker - this is crucial for communication. You mustn't be younger than 14. If you're interested in collaborating with me on the world's greatest Android pixel art editor, please DM me at thebluepandabear#5406 on Discord or message me here on Slack and we can talk further. I will be leaving this message for 5 days. Here are some stuff you will get out of it: - You will gain a massive amount of experience on working with a real life application. The application currently has 6.4k lines of code. - You will learn how to collaborate with other people (aka me). - You will have a great GitHub portfolio and you will be a part of the PyxlMoose organization. - You will earn a share of profit when the app is released on the Play Store. You will not work for me, we will be working together and pave a new standard for Android pixel art editors. Do YOU want to be my teammate and go down in the history books?
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