Is there a way to conditionally declare constructo...
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Is there a way to conditionally declare constructor / function parameters?
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data class Example(
  val something: String = "some default",
  val number: Int = 7)

fun test(v: String?, i: Int = -2) {
  val a = Example (
     something = v ?: ...,// Leave default
     number = if (i > 0) i else // default of Example
With a fluent api of a builder i can do it. Any way kotlin helps me there? Create with mandatory + use
? Any other (better) way? Copy creates 1 object every time i use.. a builder interface creates 2: the builder and the object. EDIT: Ideally I'd want to do:
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fun test(v: String?, i: Int = -2) {
  val a = Example (/* mandatory args here */).apply {
     if (v !== null) something = v
     if (i > 0) number =  i
But that cant be done with