Has anyone ever encountered an error like this? `...
# announcements
Has anyone ever encountered an error like this?
java.lang.VerifyError: Verifier rejected class com.tschuchort.readerforcommitstrip.zoom.ZoomPresenter due to bad method io.reactivex.Observable com.tschuchort.readerforcommitstrip.zoom.ZoomPresenter.update() (declaration of 'com.tschuchort.readerforcommitstrip.zoom.ZoomPresenter' appears in /data/app/com.tschuchort.readerforcommitstrip-2/split_lib_slice_4_apk.apk)
I'm really lost here. I've tried clean build, invalidate caches and restart, deinstalling the app, deleting the build folder, disabling instant run... nothing helped. The method in question looks like this:
override fun update(): Observable<ProgramUpdate> = Observable.mergeArray( /*...*/)
Interestingly it works when I use
instead. Doesn't matter what I pass as the argument to