Is there a bettery way for doing this? (I want to ...
# announcements
Is there a bettery way for doing this? (I want to create several enums that have an ID, then I want to be able to access those enums by ID fast and easily). My current approach is the following: interface IEnumId { val id: Int } open class EnumById<T : IEnumId>(val values: Array<T>) { private val valuesById = values.associateBy { } operator fun get(id: Int): T = valuesById[id] ?: invalidOp("Invalid cap style!") } enum class LineCapsStyle(override val id: Int, val str: String) : IEnumId { ROUND(0, "round"), NONE(1, "none"), SQUARE(2, "square"); companion object : EnumById<LineCapsStyle>(LineCapsStyle.values()) } enum class LineJointStyle(override val id: Int, val str: String) : IEnumId { ROUND(0, "round"), BEVEL(1, "bevel"), MITER(2, "miter"); companion object : EnumById<LineJointStyle>(LineJointStyle.values()) }