Hey guys! I have a web server with a multipart for...
# ktor
Hey guys! I have a web server with a multipart form receiver. It works when when I run requests from my own machine, but when another machine tries it on my lan network, I get an unspecific error and a 500 result.
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post("/output") {
    val parts = call.receiveMultipart().readAllParts()

    val files = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
    var shares = 0

    parts.forEach {
        when (it) {
            is PartData.FileItem -> files[it.originalFileName ?: ""] = it.provider().readText()
            is PartData.FormItem -> if (it.name == "field-name") shares = it.value.toIntOrNull() ?: 200000
            else -> {
    // ... process
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2020-12-25 010:05:06.526 INFO  Application - Unhandled: POST - /output, io failed
What would the cause of this be? 🤔