after updating ktor client i am running into `Unca...
# ktor
after updating ktor client i am running into
Uncaught TypeError: encodeToByteArray is not a function
in kotlinJS that said i am not using ktor actively, this is just preparation to add multiplayer the code is
Copy code
actual val client: HttpClient = HttpClient(Js).config {
i was upgrading from 1.2.0-rc to 1.3.0-beta-1 the error seems to be in js/ktor-ktor-http-cio.js:946 the line contains
CrLf = encodeToByteArray(charsets.Charsets.UTF_8.newEncoder(), '\r\n', 0, '\r\n'.length);
is there possibly a missing or wrong version of a dependency ? where would
be defined ?
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