Well, golang has a lot of downsides, especially on...
# getting-started
Well, golang has a lot of downsides, especially ones that related with the code generation and generics. I like to scaffold stuff here and there, especially when we’re talking about basic CRUD+AAA, and with golang it’s a complete headache. Golang is a win win for CI/CD cycle because of VERY fast compilation, and you can embed all the dependencies into the binary to get a relatively small docker image, with FROM scratch approach https://medium.com/@kelseyhightower/optimizing-docker-images-for-static-binaries-b5696e26eb07#.1umldjckz. If we’re comparing Kotlin to Scala - Scala has matured very well, but compiler got tons of legacy code that will not get rewritten or reengineered even at not so distant future. And that’s causing like a lot of trouble with the compilation speed. Incremental compilation doesn’t work that great too due to the standard library size and namespace bloatness. Scala’ s stdlib is 5MB vs Kotlin’s 561 KB I can’t say anything exact about kotlin’s runtime overheads, but it looks like there is almost none comparing to Scala and Groovy.