I've created a custom deserializer and am using @J...
# jackson-kotlin
I've created a custom deserializer and am using @JsonDeserialize to attempt to use it like so:
Copy code
data class Diagnosis(@JsonIgnore @Id val id: ObjectId? = null,
                     @JsonProperty("apuid") val apuId: Int,
                     @JsonProperty("RecordID") val recordId: String,
                     @Indexed val patientId: String,
                     val patientAccountNo: String,
                     val encounterId: String,
                     val encounterDate: LocalDate,
                     @JsonProperty("ProviderNPI") val providerNpi: String?,
                     @JsonProperty("ICDCode") val icdCode: String?,
                     val name: String,
                     @JsonDeserialize(contentUsing = LenientLocalDateDeserializer::class) @JsonFormat(pattern = "M/d/yyyy") val assessmentOnsetDate: LocalDate?)