<@U092308M7>: little notes for this tweet (<https:...
# anko
@orangy: little notes for this tweet (https://twitter.com/dmytrodanylyk/status/721984706053611520) Akno is really good. I think Akno is a well-planned DSL for Android UI. But there is an important feature in Android Framework which is actually not possible (with my best knowledge) with Anko. And this problem not related to Akno, only for the Android Framework implementation. fitSystemWindows parameter (which is parsed from XML) set important flags and margin related things is the constructors View hierarchy but just from the XML parameter. The related “setter” isn't same behaviour. 😞 Sometimes we can create little workarounds, with nearly proper look, but not exactly. https://github.com/fboldog/AnkoMaterialSamples http://maximomussini.com/posts/anko-vs-android-xml/