When schema updates run, mysql errors out with the...
# exposed
When schema updates run, mysql errors out with the following message:
Copy code
2018-04-05 03:21:45.972 [main] INFO  Exposed - Transaction attempt #0 failed: Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key. Statement: com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@3d526ad9: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS UserEventsHistory (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, uid BINARY(16) NOT NULL, `time` DATETIME(6) DEFAULT '2018-04-05 03:21:45.733000' NOT NULL, type INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, message VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, optional VARCHAR(256) NULL,  FOREIGN KEY (uid) REFERENCES Users(uid) ON DELETE RESTRICT,  FOREIGN KEY (type) REFERENCES UserEvents(id) ON DELETE RESTRICT)