Hey I'm developing a plugin which requires to add ...
# intellij-plugins
Hey I'm developing a plugin which requires to add additional configuration to the module wizard for creating new kotlin gradle projects. Currently I'm doing this like described in https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/module-types.html by defining my own module type. But this is obviously not ideal as the project is not a gradle project per se while creating. And i need to create the gradle wrapper, build files and so on myself. Which then only later get picked up by IDEA and offer to import the project as a gradle project. I also read about adding additional configuration steps to an existing module type: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/adding-new-steps.html But how would i go about this as I need to be able to add additional entries to
as well as additional files to the module root. Also I'm very uncertain which
i would need to "extend" for this to work properly. Reading the source of the kotlin plugin and
didn't really help me any further. Does someone have an idea about how i could accomplish this?