What's your thoughts in making a constructor priva...
# getting-started
What's your thoughts in making a constructor private and declare an
operator fun invoke(...): Either<Exception, Foo>
. Is it an anti-pattern, given that "constructors" , by convention, should always return an instance of the object. Studying DDD and modelling Entities and wondering where/how to have this business rules/validations.
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data class Note private constructor(val note: String) {
    companion object {
        operator fun invoke(note: String): Either<Exception, Note> {
            if (note.length > 42) {
                return Either.Failure(TooLongException)
            return Note(note)
I strongly recommend you to read this free article from Effective Kotlin book about constructors, builders, and factory methods. tl;dr:
implementing invoke in a companion object to make a fake constructor is very rarely done. I do not recommend it, primarily because it violates Item 12: Use operator methods according to their names.
I think it's a pretty good pattern imo. Maybe try using the Raise type from Arrow instead of Either so that your call prefers the happy path
The Arrow team is currently prototyping a way to solve this → https://github.com/arrow-kt/arrow-exact Personally, I really dislike the operator usage in these cases.
In Kotlin it's a more common pattern to create a function with the same name as a type as a way of constructing this type. Example from standard library is:
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public inline fun <T> Sequence(crossinline iterator: () -> Iterator<T>): Sequence<T>
Kotlin's constructor methods have the same semantics as regular functions from the outside, they aren't something special, so I'd say you're free to make it return a sum type. By personal preference I'd even prefer a sum type over an exception
seems like unnecessary complexity to me for others to understand how your class works. why not just use an explicit factory function that's easier to understand up front?