I have horizontal scroll view inside horizontal sc...
# compose
I have horizontal scroll view inside horizontal scroll pager. I want to pager not to scroll if i scroll inner scroll view. What the best way to make that?
For now i found good way, but it not working everytime. i remember scroll state for inner scrollable
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val scrollState = rememberScrollState()
I dispatch result to pager
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private fun AdditionalRow(broker: Broker, onInnerScroll: (scrolling: Boolean) -> Unit) {
    val scrollState = rememberScrollState()
    val scrolling by remember { derivedStateOf { scrollState.isScrollInProgress } }
    LaunchedEffect(scrolling) {
And for pager i use resulting value
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var pagerCanScroll by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }

    Column {
            userScrollEnabled = pagerCanScroll,
                    onInnerScroll = { pagerCanScroll = !it }
The problem is: When i scroll slowly - it works, when i scroll fast pager scrolls as inner view scrolls
As i understand launched effect is coroutine and run asynchronously and result does not dispatch immidiately to pager
The structure is
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HorizontalPager {
    LazyColumn {
        item {
I could hoist scroll state of inner horizontal scrollable view, but i can not, because i have many horizontal scrollables, not one