Hi community, i have an alert dialog that uses a l...
# compose-android
Hi community, i have an alert dialog that uses a lazyColumn to display a list of countries. It was working perfectly till i added searchBar on it Now the issue is that when the dialog is visible i can only dismiss it by clicking outside the dialog area the back gesture doesn't dismiss it. It wasn't like this before. I tried removing the searchBar and everything went back to normal, Is their something am missing The below is the picture of my dialog code
Search bar internally uses
Copy code
BackHandler(enabled = active) {
So, when you go back, you should set the search bar as not active. Something like this:
Copy code
var isActive by remember {

AlertDialog(onDismissRequest = { viewModel.selectStartDate(LocalDate.parse("2023-12-01")) }) {
        query = "",
        onQueryChange = {},
        onSearch = {},
        active = isActive,
        onActiveChange = { isActive = false }) {
