Am I correct in my understanding that I can't... ...
# serialization
Am I correct in my understanding that I can't... Have a subclass with a property named
of a sealed class annotated with
with my Json built as
Json { classDiscriminator = "type" /* default */ }
due to the
in the
conflicting with the
that ISN'T the class discriminator used on the parent sealed class?
I'm assuming this because I see the exception:
Copy code
07-31 10:33:53.212 E/AndroidRuntime( 4685): Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Polymorphic serializer for class has property 'type' that conflicts with JSON class discriminator. You can either change class discriminator in JsonConfiguration, rename property with @SerialName annotation or fall back to array polymorphism
07-31 10:33:53.212 E/AndroidRuntime( 4685): 	at kotlinx.serialization.json.internal.PolymorphismValidator.checkDiscriminatorCollisions(PolymorphismValidator.kt:67)
07-31 10:33:53.212 E/AndroidRuntime( 4685): 	at kotlinx.serialization.json.internal.PolymorphismValidator.polymorphic(PolymorphismValidator.kt:34)
07-31 10:33:53.212 E/AndroidRuntime( 4685): 	at kotlinx.serialization.modules.SerialModuleImpl.dumpTo(SerializersModule.kt:189)
07-31 10:33:53.212 E/AndroidRuntime( 4685): 	at kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonImpl.validateConfiguration(Json.kt:375)
07-31 10:33:53.212 E/AndroidRuntime( 4685): 	at kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonImpl.<init>(Json.kt:369)
07-31 10:33:53.212 E/AndroidRuntime( 4685): 	at kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonKt.Json(Json.kt:191)
07-31 10:33:53.212 E/AndroidRuntime( 4685): 	at kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonKt.Json$default(Json.kt:187)
07-31 10:33:53.212 E/AndroidRuntime( 4685): 	at$serializer$2.invoke(SeatGeekJson.kt:72)
07-31 10:33:53.212 E/AndroidRuntime( 4685): 	at$serializer$2.invoke(SeatGeekJson.kt:71)
07-31 10:33:53.212 E/AndroidRuntime( 4685): 	at kotlin.SynchronizedLazyImpl.getValue(LazyJVM.kt:74)
07-31 10:33:53.212 E/AndroidRuntime( 4685): 	at
If I set the
to some arbitrary value, this works. But it seems the fact that purely the default discriminator matches on this polymorphic hierarchy causes it to fail validation at runtime