when i try to pass a ksp arg like: `plugin:com.goo...
# ksp
when i try to pass a ksp arg like:
i am getting:
error: wrong plugin option format: null, should be plugin:<pluginId>:<optionName>=<value>
it seems to be specifically the comma char. i’ve tried a few guess with no success, but is there a way to escape values for kotlinc plugins so that i can pass a path with a comma in it?
The input looks legit to the regex used by option parser. It could be the shell expanding the arguments in an undesired way. Can you try to quote the arguments? https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/blob/928416c9c5fe0287ed38c11ce3e93051c76eb598/[…]ugin-api/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/compiler/plugin/CliOptions.kt