Not sure if there's a more formal process to propo...
# arrow-contributors
Not sure if there's a more formal process to propose an Arrow lib. If there is, please point me towards it :) I'd like to propose a utility
library that contains niceties for general context receivers + arrow-specific context receiver sugar. Since context receivers are likely not gonna be stable for 1-2 years, I think it might make some sense to have an experimental library like that for those on the bleeding edge, with the idea being that when contexts are stable, it'd get merged into
. If you think it'd be more apt to have that as a community library, I get that; I just think it'd have more reach under the arrow name, and it'd help in prototyping ideas for the future, kinda like how
is right now
It should obviously include basics such as multi-with, and a "context-summoning" function (which I like to call
). Also, contextual
utils would be amazing! Perhaps something like a double
builder where you handle 2 different errors without having to next your code.
Keep in mind that turning on context receivers marks the lib as a pre-release binary, and so it has to be a separate lib from
until contexts are stable
@simon.vergauwen has played with Context Receivers and
, but I don't remember if he created the utilities in the same repository or they are elsewhere. For me it is a good idea
Would be great to get him on board! Especially to gather more utilities.
@Youssef Shoaib [MOD] I think that is fine if you want to develop
in the arrow org as experimental library with the intention of merging those utilities later, wherever they make sense and they become non experimental. normally we discuss these things in the by-weekly arrow maintainers meeting to which all of you are welcome to attend if you are interested. In that line I still think what you propose makes complete sense flagged as experimental and we would rather see those contributions in the arrow org than in individual repositories if the intention is to contribute them to the Arrow non experimental libs. I created
, if you'd like to share with me your github handle I'll add you there so you can manage it.
❤️ 2
Perfect! My handle is @kyay10
@Youssef Shoaib [MOD] invited you to the new repo arrow-context, you should have access now :)