Compose for Wear OS 1.3.0-alpha02 was released las...
# compose-wear
Compose for Wear OS 1.3.0-alpha02 was released last week. As announced in the previous release, we have updated Chip and ToggleChip to adjust their height to accommodate content that has grown due to large fonts for accessibility. The release also included new features in expandables (a new way to generate ExpandableStates) and also a new parameter on SwipeDismissableNavHost that allows turning off swipe gesture handling. Further, we have migrated SwipeToDismissBox from Material to Foundation. See release notes for more details. Also, we have released 1.0.0-alpha08 of the wear.compose.compose-material3 library - this adds selection controls (switch, checkbox, radio button), ListHeader and round toggle buttons to our Material3 components - see release notes. The release candidate for Compose for Wear OS 1.2 was also released.
🎉 4
🚀 2
Is material3 ready to be used or it is still and will be missing components until beta version?
We will continue to add components during upcoming Alpha's, so you may well find there are some components that you use that are not in Material3 yet