<@UFS8HNKSB> That might not mean what you might ex...
# tornadofx
@Dustin Jensen That might not mean what you might expect, as that syntax is specific to a JavaFX feature that isn't present in standard CSS. The commas are actually separating three different backgrounds, not three different values. It's actually the same as
Copy code
-fx-background-insets: 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;
which says
Give all 4 sides of background 1 an inset of 2 pixels, and all for sides of backgrounds 2 and 3 an inset of 0 pixels
Unlike standard CSS, JavaFX allows stacking multiple backgrounds, which is where the comma syntax came from. In the CSS DSL, you'll see that in places where you use
instead of
Copy code
bacgroundColor += c("red")
which says
Add a background of red
In order to specify more than one value, you can use the
helper function with just a
(instead of a
Copy code
backgroundColor = multi(c("red"), c("green"), c("blue"))
which says
Set three backgrounds of red, green, and blue respectively
Or, for your specific case:
Copy code
backgroundInsets = multi(box(2.px), box(0.px), box(0.px))