I picked up a old (in internet terms) project that...
# tornadofx
I picked up a old (in internet terms) project that was dependent on tornadofx 1.7.12. updated the version to 1.7.17. One column definitions is now not recognized anymore?
Copy code
class AuthorTableView : View() {
    private val controller: MainController by inject()
    override val root = tableview<EntryWithTypes> {
        columnResizePolicy = SmartResize.POLICY
        column("title", EntryWithTypes::title).remainingWidth()
        column("types", EntryWithTypes::types).contentWidth(padding=50.0)
        onSelectionChange {
            if(selectedItem!=null) {
                runAsync {
                } ui {
                    controller.storyModel.item = it

        controller.authorModel.itemProperty.onChange {
            runAsync {
                val strip = controller.authorModel.url.value.substring(controller.authorModel.url.value.indexOf("/Authors"))
                readIndex(controller.authorModel.url.value, strip, true)
            } ui {
                items = it.observable()