Error:(42, 17) Kotlin: None of the following funct...
# tornadofx
Error:(42, 17) Kotlin: None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied: public fun <S, T> TableView<Person>.column(title: String, valueProvider: (TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<Person, ???>) -> ObservableValue<???>): TableColumn<Person, ???> defined in tornadofx public fun <S, T> TableView<Person>.column(title: String, propertyName: String, op: TableColumn<Person, ???>.() -> Unit = ...): TableColumn<Person, ???> defined in tornadofx public fun <S, T : Any> TableView<Person>.column(title: String, cellType: KClass<???>, op: TableColumn<Person, ???>.() -> Unit = ...): TableColumn<Person, ???> defined in tornadofx @JvmName public fun <S, T> TableView<Person>.column(title: String, getter: KFunction<???>): TableColumn<Person, ???> defined in tornadofx public inline fun <S, reified T> TableView<Person>.column(title: String, observableFn: KFunction<ObservableValue<???>>): TableColumn<Person, ???> defined in tornadofx public inline fun <reified S, T> TableView<Person>.column(title: String, prop: KMutableProperty1<Person, ???>, noinline op: TableColumn<Person, ???>.() -> Unit = ...): TableColumn<Person, ???> defined in tornadofx public inline fun <reified S, T> TableView<Person>.column(title: String, prop: KProperty1<Person, ObservableValue<???>>, noinline op: TableColumn<Person, ???>.() -> Unit = ...): TableColumn<Person, ???> defined in tornadofx