Managed to get the Kotlin 1.1.4 EAP 32 REPL runnin...
# tornadofx
Managed to get the Kotlin 1.1.4 EAP 32 REPL running (incl setting class path to TornadoFX JAR, and passing -Djava.awt.headless=false as a parameter), and have imported tornadofx package. Defined a view class called MainWindow (extends View) and a application class called Application (extends App). When it comes to creating an instance of Application the following is printed in the REPL *Jul 22, 2017 31849 PM tornadofx.Stylesheet$Companion detectAndInstallUrlHandler INFO: Installing CSS url handler, since it was not picked up automatically Line_5$MyApp@2c492b03*, but nothing is displayed on the screen.