And my last feedback. I have an asynchronous depen...
# coroutines
And my last feedback. I have an asynchronous dependency injection system. Right now, I'm using an interface:
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interface AsyncDependency {
	fun initAsync(): Promise<Unit>
That is now:
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interface AsyncDependency {
	suspend fun init(): Unit

class Missions(
	val project: ProjectConfig,
	val s3client: AmazonS3Client,
	val buckets: BucketsConfig,
	val redis: RedisClient
) : AsyncDependency {
	lateinit var missionsBytes: ByteArray

	suspend override fun init() = await(async {
		missionsBytes = await(readResourceAsync("Missions.json"))
It would be awesome to be able to suspend the constructor itself somehow to avoid lateinit var + other stuff:
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class Missions suspend(
	val project: ProjectConfig,
	val s3client: AmazonS3Client,
	val buckets: BucketsConfig,
	val redis: RedisClient
) {
	val missionsBytes = readResource("Missions.json")
But probably it is too complex, right? But that would be totally a dream. Anyway I'm so hyped right now 🙂 I can see constructors like function calls, so something like this could be implemented internally creating a suspend function, and calling it at construction. The construction would be allowed just inside suspending blocks.