Kotlin Hyderabad (India) Community <#C0118FBRCB0|h...
# india
Kotlin Hyderabad (India) Community #hyderabad looking for speakers for Monthly meetup. In this lockdown time, all our events are online, so we are happy to welcome non-residents, speakers of Hyderabad as well. If you like to give online session on anything runs on Kotlin or Java, Feel free to post your Call for paper in our portal. https://www.papercall.io/kotlin-hyderabad-monthly-meetup The session will be online and will be hosted on Saturday or Sunday anytime between 10 am to 6 pm IST based on speaker availability. You can find all the detail about format timing etc in the portal.  For any help please reach out to chaitanyach@outlook.com or rajmahendra@zohomail.in http://meetup.kotlinhyderabad.in http://youtube.kotlinhyderabad.in