hello, is this a known issue? I have an interface ...
# kapt
hello, is this a known issue? I have an interface
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interface AutoRefreshViewModel : LifecycleObserver {

    @OnLifecycleEvent(value = Lifecycle.Event.ON_START)
    fun startAutoRefresh()

    @OnLifecycleEvent(value = Lifecycle.Event.ON_STOP)
    fun stopAutoRefresh()
and then I have implementation of this interface
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class AutoRefreshImplementation(val period: Long, val action: () -> Unit) : AutoRefreshViewModel {
    private var refreshDisposable: Disposable? = null

    override fun startAutoRefresh() {
        refreshDisposable = Observable.interval(period, period, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
                .subscribe {

    override fun stopAutoRefresh() {
usage of it in class is simple,
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class ControlViewModel @Inject constructor() : ViewModel(), AutoRefreshViewModel by AutoRefreshImplementation(period, {
// action 
}) {...}
everything works fine until I change something in this file
, then annotation processor throws an error
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ControlViewModel.java:52: error: annotation @OnLifecycleEvent is missing a default value for the element 'value'
and in the generated stub I can see both methods as
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    public void startAutoRefresh() {
    public void stopAutoRefresh() {
… if I rebuild my project, stub looks ok
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    @android.arch.lifecycle.OnLifecycleEvent(value = android.arch.lifecycle.Lifecycle.Event.ON_START)
    public void startAutoRefresh() {
    @android.arch.lifecycle.OnLifecycleEvent(value = android.arch.lifecycle.Lifecycle.Event.ON_STOP)
    public void stopAutoRefresh() {
workaround is to not use delegated implementation but use it myself, but its a real bummer