Hi everyone. I'm writing an example on a fullstack...
# multiplatform
Hi everyone. I'm writing an example on a fullstack kotlin web app. My next step would be to somehow implement live reloading (first in the frontend). I can start my frontend in continuous mode with
./gradlew :frontend:run -t
and it does seems to pick up the changes, but the build fails
Copy code
ERROR in ./kotlin/kotlin-fullstack-example-frontend.js
Module build failed (from /home/bdudelsack/Projects/kotlin-fullstack-example/build/js/packages_imported/kotlin-source-map-loader/1.3.61/kotlin-source-map-loader.js):
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/bdudelsack/Projects/kotlin-fullstack-example/build/js/packages/kotlin-fullstack-example-frontend/kotlin/kotlin-fullstack-example-frontend.js'
 @ multi ./kotlin/kotlin-fullstack-example-frontend.js main[0]