Thanks for your article, really helps. I use `kotl...
# multiplatform
Thanks for your article, really helps. I use
to test the JVM code. I want to make the function name descriptive like this `fun `this is a test`() {}`. It works fine, but when there is a class declaration inside this test function, it will throw an error:
Copy code
org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.CompilationException: Back-end (JVM) Internal error: Invalid class name (must be a fully qualified class name in internal form): nz/salect/objJSON/JVMTest$test Two Level Obj$Lesson
Cause: Invalid class name (must be a fully qualified class name in internal form): nz/salect/objJSON/JVMTest$test Two Level Obj To Ensure it’s been parsed$Lesson
Your article said that we can use
to solve this in js, what about jvm? Thanks 🙂