Hi here, apologies for the delay, I didn't have an...
# dublin
Hi here, apologies for the delay, I didn't have an account here so I was waiting for an invitation from Jetbrains until now 😅 Thanks for attending! Here I leave the resource links I was talking about at the end of my presentation: KotlinConf 2018 - Writing Your First Kotlin Compiler Plugin by Kevin Most (


) Arrow Meta (https://meta.arrow-kt.io/) Arrow Meta Examples (https://github.com/arrow-kt/arrow-meta-examples) Writing a Kotlin Compiler Plugin with Arrow Meta (https://medium.com/@heyitsmohit/writing-kotlin-compiler-plugin-with-arrow-meta-cf7b3689aa3e) Also, the alternatives for JVM and other links related to them: AspectJ (https://www.eclipse.org/aspectj/) Android adapter for AspectJ: https://github.com/HujiangTechnology/gradle_plugin_android_aspectjx Byte Buddy (https://bytebuddy.net/) Android adapter for Byte Buddy: https://github.com/LikeTheSalad/android-buddy Lastly, the library I made for Android permissions, in case you liked it: Aaper (https://github.com/LikeTheSalad/aaper) Also, I attached the slides and the sample project I showed in the presentation that uses Arrow Meta I hope you found it useful, and please let me know if any questions!
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