<https://github.com/square/retrofit> says: &gt; I...
# squarelibraries
https://github.com/square/retrofit says:
If you are using R8 the shrinking and obfuscation rules are included automatically.
ProGuard users must manually add the options from retrofit2.pro. You might also need rules for OkHttp and Okio which are dependencies of this library.
https://square.github.io/retrofit/ says:
If you are using R8 or ProGuard add the options from this file.
You might also need rules for OkHttp and Okio which are dependencies of this library.
Worth filing a bug on the difference? Also, does anyone know which one is right (im in the middle of enabling R8 for the first time on a huge project)? I'm assuming that using R8 doesn't require the options from the file linked.