Hi folks :wave: I'm happy to share the CFP for the...
# events
Hi folks 👋 I'm happy to share the CFP for the Kotlin K DevRoom at FOSDEM 2020! (February 1st/2nd 2020 - Brussels, Belgium 🇧🇪 ) CFP link: https://lists.fosdem.org/pipermail/fosdem/2019q4/002931.html Conference link: https://fosdem.org/2020/about/ The CFP is still opened till November the 30th If you don't know FOSDEM, it's like the biggest open source conference in Europe. This year will be the first time for the Kotlin DevRoom, and I'm looking really hard for speakers and interested folks. The event is completely free and community organized ❤️ Looking forward to have you onboard. For questions you can ping me, @hellman @Eugenio or go to the #fosdem channel