It is possible in the FieldTextField to change a l...
# compose
It is possible in the FieldTextField to change a label to:
Copy code
label: @Composable() (() -> Unit)? = null,
In the case it is easy to do the label optional. For example:
Copy code
val decoratedPlaceholder: @Composable() (() -> Unit)? =
    if (placeholder != null
        && ( (inputState.value == TextFieldPhase.Focused)
                || (inputState.value == TextFieldPhase.Focused
                    && inputState.value == TextFieldPhase.UnfocusedEmpty)
                || (inputState.value == TextFieldPhase.UnfocusedEmpty && label == null))
        && value.text.isEmpty()
    ) {
            Decoration(...)                                                                                ...
                                                                                                              val decoratedLabel = @Composable ()   {
    if (label != null)
            contentColor = labelColor,
            typography  = labelAnimatedStyle,
            children = label