Looking to trade Android work for iOS/devops work....
# hire-me
Looking to trade Android work for iOS/devops work.  About me: Have had 2 exits 📈 in the startup world, have written Android apps the last 10 years for startups: teachscape 📈, playdraft 📈, moviepass 📉 and established companies: major league baseball 🦄, american express 🏦.  Took a break the past few months to do machine learning for my company and to get reacclimatized with new android components.  My android app uses vision apis, retrofit, rx, koin, coroutines, room, exoplayer, camerax, stripe and my backend uses ktor, s3, dagger, exposed, pusher, sendgrid, onesignal, stripe, postgis, ffmpeg.    My official business hours are M-F 9a-5p Eastern Time.  Looking for an independent who needs an Android app who can build an ios app or can make my backend scalable for the bombardment of user data and user video uploads and encodings
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