A possible solution for slow indexing in AS and IJ...
# android-studio
A possible solution for slow indexing in AS and IJ! I found that my eventlog in Windows had many Windows Search error messages and my right-click in Windows Explorer was extremely slow (up to 30sec). So I searched around a little bit and found a remedy that might work. Problem is that Windows Search is failing "silently" and you get theese problem mentioned above. 1. Stop
Windows Search
, it will try to restart, so you need to set it to disabled. 2. Spin down to
and delete the file
, you may have administrative rights to access this file, and get sure that Windows Search is successfully disabled and stopped. 3. Keep an eye on the folder mentioned above, and reenable and restart the
Windows Search
service in
. 4. The files will go away in a while and the file tree will be restored (you need to give yourself admin rights again) and reappear. 5. Give the system some time (up to 5 mins) to rebuild its file tree. You may see some warnings and errors in the event viewer during this time, it is normal. Now both right click will work faster, and indexing in IJ and AS will also work more smooth (at least my experience). Here's the link to where I found this solution: https://www.tenforums.com/performance-maintenance/60859-windows-search-service-terminated.html Scroll down to Ron6962 on 21.Aug.2016. No guarantee, but you tried at the least. RG