Hi, can someone help me translate below code in ko...
# javascript
Hi, can someone help me translate below code in kotlin
// code to translate
const [rowSelection, setRowSelection] = useState({});
getRowId={(row) => row.userId}
state={{ rowSelection }}
// below is what I have done and it’s not working, I think I am not declaring state and oonSelectionChange prop correctly as per Material React Table
external val _MaterialReactTable_: ComponentType<MaterialReactTableProps>
external interface MaterialReactTableProps:PropsWithSx {
var enableRowSelection: Boolean
var getRowId: ((originalRow: dynamic) -> dynamic)
var state: dynamic
var onRowSelectionChange: StateSetter<dynamic>
var onSelectionChange: ((evt: dynamic, rowData: dynamic) -> Unit)
_MaterialReactTable_ *{*
enableRowSelection = true
getRowId = *{* originalRow *->*
state = selectedFacilities
onRowSelectionChange = selectedFacilitiesStateSetter
State could be declared in this way:
Copy code
var myState by useState(44)
@Artem Kobzar if you look at the attached screenshot, that is a material react table internal state management prop and I have declared it as ” *var state: dynamic*” however this is not working, my state is broken and is not reflecting updated values.
How does the
look like? Did you realize that the provided state should be an object with the
Copy code
state = js("{ rowSelection: THE_VALUE_WITH_SELECTION }")
@Artem Kobzar selectedFacilities is not there in code, I wrote it by mistake here, below is the code
const [rowSelection, setRowSelection] = useState({});
_MaterialReactTable_ *{*
enableRowSelection = true
getRowId = *{* originalRow *->*
state = rowSelection
onRowSelectionChange = setRowSelection
as per your suggestion this is how it looks like now
_MaterialReactTable_ *{*
columns = _facilitiesColumns_
data = if (formMode == FormMode._ADD_) selectedGroupFacilities else parentGroupFacilities
enableRowSelection = true onRowSelectionChange = setRowSelection state =
_js_("{ rowSelection: $rowSelection}")
It’s giving me a compile time error stating -> Argument must be a string constant for rowSelection state.
@Artem Kobzar I have fixed it, thank you - can you tell me how you made the observation that state should be an object with rowSelection field?
Sure. Here, in your code:
Copy code
state={{ rowSelection }}
You have two curly brackets on each side. First pair is needed for the data-binding The second pair is an object literal with the ES2015 syntax: instead of
{ rowSelection: rowSelection }
you could write just
{ rowSelection }
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