Hi everyone, I have a bottom tab bar in compose mu...
# compose-ios
Hi everyone, I have a bottom tab bar in compose multiplatform(for ios and android). The issue is when a switch to a
tab, it lags a lot in iOS, not sure what’s the reason. In my compose view I am just collecting the flow and showing it. Also there is no network call in this screen and in my repository there is already the data in the flow. Please refer the video . See 🧵 for code
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internal fun SharedPrefDataScreen(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
) {
        val models by NoobRepository.sharedPrefData.collectAsStateWithLifecycleOrCollectAsState()

            modifier = modifier.fillMaxSize(),
            contentPadding = PaddingValues(vertical = 16.dp, horizontal = 4.dp)
        ) {
            items(models) {model ->
                    text = model.prefName,
                    style = MaterialTheme.typography.titleMedium,
                    fontFamily = FontFamily.Monospace,
                    fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold

                for((key,value) in model.data) {
                        key = "key",
                        value = "value.toString()"
                    ) {newValue ->
                Divider(thickness = 1.dp, modifier = Modifier.padding(bottom = 16.dp))
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fun <T : R, R> StateFlow<T>.collectAsStateWithLifecycleOrCollectAsState(
    context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
): State<R> {
    return collectAsStateWithLifecycle(initial = this.value, context = context)
    return  collectAsState(context)
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private val _sharedPrefData = MutableStateFlow<List<SharedPrefModel>>(listOf())
    val sharedPrefData = _sharedPrefData.asStateFlow()
How are you populating the preferences? Is not shown in the snippets. Perhaps you are loading all the preferences in the main thread. You should use the loader ui pattern. Although, still, the phone storage should be faster than that, unless you are loading hundreds of preferences.
Also not sure about the EmptyCoroutineContext if it is having some effect on your code.
So My library exposes a
function which is called from the App Delegate or the application class. Whenever the
function is called the library fetches all the shared Pref data (user default in this case for ios) and save it in repository. One thing to note here is that till this point, this compose view is not shown to user yet. Now whenever user shake the device, then I start this activity (or push view controller in case of ios) consisting of the bottom bar . So whenever user taps on
tab, the repository already have all the data, the view just has to show it but it is lagging in ios but in android its working fine.
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fun start() {
Repository function
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fun getAllPrefData() {
    print("NooberT entered  getAllPrefData")

    GlobalScope.launch {
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override fun getAllValues(): List<SharedPrefModel> {
    val userDefaultData =  userDefaults.dictionaryRepresentation()
    val mappedData = userDefaultData.mapKeys { it.key.toString() }.mapValues { it.value.toString() }
    return listOf(SharedPrefModel("", mappedData))
I don't see a point in code where you check if data was loaded and reuse it. Perhaps is something userDefaults does internally, IDK. Try printing timestamps before and after
just to see what's going on. Log timestamps to try to identify in what lines the lagging comes from.
Thanks for the help, have solved the issue now.
👍 1
what was the solution
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items(models) {model ->
                    text = model.prefName,
                    style = MaterialTheme.typography.titleMedium,
                    fontFamily = FontFamily.Monospace,
                    fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold

                for((key,value) in model.data) {
                        key = "key",
                        value = "value.toString()"
                    ) {newValue ->
the forLoop inside item was causing the lag