I need API advice for new Konsist feature. Assumin...
# konsist
I need API advice for new Konsist feature. Assuming we have this code snippet...
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@SampleAnnotation("some_text", 1)
...and Konsist that parses it and exposes to the developer.
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   .map { it.value }
How the first argument be represented in the list of arguments? • 🅰️
""some_text"", "1"
"some_text", "1"
Please vote with emojis
🅱️ 4
Is this an ArrayList of strings? Do we lose the integer type of the second argument?
Yes. This is the dilemma here.
Can't it be kept as an integer? If there's no way to keep it as an integer, without the quotes we lose valuable information. I wonder if everyone who voted B was clear on that.
This is actually a good point - array could store different types
👍 1
Why not just
? then you can do
arguments[1] as? Integer
checks etc
I also added an ext fun for checking my annotations:
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inline fun <reified A : Any> KoAnnotationProvider.hasAnnotation(predicate: (KoAnnotationDeclaration) -> Boolean) =
    hasAnnotationsOf(A::class) && predicate(annotations.first { it.fullyQualifiedName == A::class.java.name })
then I can use it like this:
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    fun `classes annotated with @RestController should produce application json`() {
            .assert { controller ->
                controller.hasAnnotation<RequestMapping> { requestMapping ->