Hello everyone! Does ktor can help me build self o...
# server
Hello everyone! Does ktor can help me build self own server in my computer with real time database? If so, can you send some tutorial or links. Thank you!
what's a real time db? and what do you want in term of fucitonality that is not already provided by that db?
ktor just handles web requests and delegates the requests to your code. It knows nothing about databases. Your code will have to handle db access on its own (likely with the assistance of some other library)
Does ktor can publish your app in own computer or server without relying cloud? if does, please send tutorial or some docs.
(Looks like he talks about Firebase Realtime DB)
I want to publish my app with my own database and server without relying cloud - just to show or improve my skills. Well, I don't have really the capacity to build server for business but I just want to learn. For job opportunities - and my question is, can ktor make it? If not I hope give me an alternative
" if does, please send tutorial or some docs." lol
🤣 1
I'm surprised the barrier to finding this slack isn't higher than the barrier to finding the answers to some of the questions asked here
😁 3
Can someone answer my question?
you may have to use a local DB and push db updates to clients using websockets.