I was wondering what the vision of kotlin native i...
# kotlin-native
I was wondering what the vision of kotlin native is, will it replace kotlin on jvm entirely someday? is that what the team is aiming for? any roadmap?
It’s is an additional target but it won’t replace JVM, which is currently in focus and I guess, will always be the primary target.
The debugger and compilation times would need to do huge leaps forward for native to replace JVM... I don't expect this to happen any time soon (or ever)
As for the roadmap, you have it there: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/roadmap.html
Thanks for the info and the roadmap, folks! Much appreciated. I was thinking how much I should really invest my time into learning/using it
The good thing is you don't have to learn much about K/N. If you know Kotlin, you can compile your code for native. If you want to deep dive, you'll have to learn about C-interop and these kind of stuff but most of my K/N code is actually exactly the same as the JVM one.
that’s reassuring 🙂
I love it 🙂