:tada: <https://sessionize.com/kotlinconf-2024/|Ca...
# announcements
🎉 Call for Speakers is now open for KotlinConf'24! If you are a Kotlin expert or have a fascinating Kotlin story to tell, we want you as a speaker at KotlinConf! Anything that could inspire our attendees to do beautiful things with Kotlin in new or more efficient ways – from a framework you’ve created to share with the world to server-side, multiplatform, coroutines, and data science – is a welcome topic. Submit your talk for a chance to share your experience with the global Kotlin community!
🦜 11
K 35
👍 5
👍🏾 1
Is it ok to submit more than one session?
@Andrew O'Hara you can submit up to 3 sessions 🙌