I've spent the last few weeks building a new OSS r...
# fritz2
I've spent the last few weeks building a new OSS rank evaluation UI called Rankquest Studio (rankquest.jillesvangurp.com) using the recent release candidates of Fritz2 and kotlin-js. I'm using my own fork for now until they can merge my pr for updating everything to kotlin 1.9.10. I'm also using the k2 compiler and this is making life a lot nicer with very speedy incremental compilation, which is really nice when you are constantly switching between browser and IDE. The new headless components in fritz2 are nice once you figure them out and everything is styled using tailwind css. I'm not a frontend developer but I was able to figure this out. I will be presenting this at the Elastic search meetup in Berlin tomorrow and I would appreciate people trying this out and giving me some feedback. Disclaimer, this is a beta release and there are still some rough edges.