What’s the status of the non-embeddable compiler j...
# compiler
What’s the status of the non-embeddable compiler jar? I see it will be removed completely in the (near?) future (KT-51301). Projects using KSP 1.0.13 are actually already experiencing issues with the non-embeddable compiler jar. So I am wondering if it’s time to drop support for it in third party compiler plugins as well.
non-embeddable compiler jar won't go anywhere anytime soon For example, it is used inside kotlin IDE plugin The issue you mentioned is about mixing of embeddable and non-embeddable jars in kotlin gradle plugin
Thanks that makes sense.
The issue you mentioned is about mixing of embeddable and non-embeddable jars in kotlin gradle plugin
I am not sure I completely understand what your mean by this. Are you saying there are Gradle plugins applied to the project that are using the embeddable compiler jar instead of the non-embeddable one?
It's not about Gradle plugins in general It's about KGP (Kotlin Gradle Plugin) As I can judge by description of the ticket there was/is an option to run unshaded (non-embeddable) compiler for Native compilation tasks (all other platforms always use shaded compiler)
Yeah correct, sorry I though you were referring to the cause of the error.