I’m seeing an issue in Kotlin/Native where === is ...
# kotlin-native
I’m seeing an issue in Kotlin/Native where === is returning false for two variables that both point to same ObjC object (== works fine). Is this a known issue that === doesn’t compare pointers as expected when comparing ObjC objects? Or is my understanding of === equality missing something?
To hazard a guess, is the ObjC object wrapped in a Kotlin object, even internally? Because then
would be comparing the two Kotlin boxes by reference, and they wouldn't be equal
ahh, that could be it. Not ideal functionality but would make sense.
Do you have some minimal code that reproduces this?
@Landry Norris Sorry for delay. Here’s a quick example distilled to its simplest form that is failing for me.
Copy code
fun compare(item : Any, withItem : Any) : Boolean {
  return item === withItem
And then from ObjC I can call it like this
Copy code
BOOL equality = [[Utils shared] compareItem:view withItem:view];
And it will return false - where
is a UIView
I would imagine the Kotlin compiler wraps the Obj-C objects in a KObjHeader under the hood, and === is comparing that. If view were passed straight to Kotlin, I'd think === would work
that seems to be the case. Definitely something to be aware of that could catch you off-guard. Seems like something the Kotlin compiler should account for when compiling for objc targets.
Are you able to use == for this?
ya == works for me. I can’t think of an edge case where it wouldn’t, but === just seemed more precise for what I am trying to do
Yeah. It may just be something to note in some documentation. It makes sense that they wouldn’t add an exception to === for this case.