Hi, what is the recommended way to publish javadoc...
# dokka
Hi, what is the recommended way to publish javadocs for dokka? Currently, I am doing the following in an MPP project:
Copy code
tasks {
    val dokkaHtml by named<DokkaTask>("dokkaHtml")

    val javadocJar by register<Jar>("javadocJar") {
        archiveClassifier = "javadoc"
        group = JavaBasePlugin.DOCUMENTATION_GROUP

    publishing.publications.withType<MavenPublication>().configureEach {
and in a non-MPP project, the publishing part is switched out for what applies to that. Publishing the javadocs in this way does produce a
jar, however, looking at the
file that gradle produces, it does not list the javadoc. (both MPP and kotlin/jvm) If you make a standard java project with
Copy code
java {
then, it will produce a
file which contains the following:
Copy code
  "formatVersion": "1.1",
  "component": {
    "group": "test-groupid",
    "module": "lib",
    "version": "1.2.3",
    "attributes": {
      "org.gradle.status": "release"
  "createdBy": {
    "gradle": {
      "version": "8.4"
  "variants": [
    // [...]
      "name": "javadocElements",
      "attributes": {
        "org.gradle.category": "documentation",
        "org.gradle.dependency.bundling": "external",
        "org.gradle.docstype": "javadoc",
        "org.gradle.usage": "java-runtime"
      "files": [
          "name": "lib-1.2.3-javadoc.jar",
          "url": "lib-1.2.3-javadoc.jar",
          "size": 80337,
          "sha512": "1c2d1f68d8eebbca6fc926227bb2e8df1f9ea2dda5723178492027b10533f9b89179ce59038ae219df740ddfe88792a23e07c320b76d5ed168ce816c891e5840",
          "sha256": "a9f21d3ae2a54d1c7336a13fd9468af35d270a183aaabc377ff08692320b0633",
          "sha1": "8057ffdedfffb8bef9757c7ccbbeac367dfd1025",
          "md5": "adad08c12523570066086bf8987483eb"
Is there any way to get this same behaviour with dokka?
I've had a dig through some of my KMP libraries that I've published to Maven Central (which requires a Javadoc JAR) without using Dokka, and I can't see the javadocElements variant for any of them. I think this is a Gradle or Kotlin Gradle Plugin issue - I'd try asking in #gradle. My guess is that the Javadoc JAR really isn't used for anything in the Kotlin world - the sources JAR is more important, and that's present by default.
@Adam S do you have an example visible on javadoc.io with the dokka output + the build.gradle.kts file that generated it? I guess if it shows up on javadoc.io, then it's not really relevant whether or not it appears in the Gradle metadata file
Oh, I'd never heard of that site before! It looks like MockK works, and that's a KMP project https://javadoc.io/doc/io.mockk/mockk/latest/index.html the Javadoc JAR uses the Dokka HTML output: https://github.com/mockk/mockk/blob/fa0fb5a8dea1681c301e6e16421443051c8a139f/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/buildsrc/convention/kotlin-multiplatform.gradle.kts#L31-L34 I bet it's not using the Gradle metadata though, probably just the Maven data
I bet it's not using the Gradle metadata though, probably just the Maven data
Probably. I can't speak for OP, but personally, as long as all the MavenCentral-based tools can find the documentation, and IDEA can find it too (even if it's from the sources JAR), I don't really mind what's in the metadata
I know that the javadoc can be found, however I would like if the gradle module metadata could also be published as well.